Meet the Team
Miss Almeida – Assistant Headteacher (ITT co-ordinator)
I am the Assistant Head Teacher responsible for initial trainee teachers (ITT) and early career teachers (ECT). It is my job to ensure that teachers in the first 3 years of their career receive the best possible support as well as opportunities to develop their practice through personal and targeted CPD.
Whether you’re a trainee teacher, an experienced teacher or a member of admin or support staff, working at LHEA makes you feel part of a team. All members of staff attend our weekly whole school assembly on a Friday morning and this helps strengthen our LHEA in school community and makes all staff and students feel valued.
Mrs Oakley – 2ic English Department
Since returning to LHEA in 2022, my role has changed and developed. I am currently Second in Charge of English, which has allowed me to have significant input into our KS3 curriculum along with providing me with the opportunity to become an ECT mentor. Staff here are incredibly supportive of each other and CPD allows us and encourages us to work with staff from other departments. I enjoy the challenge and enthusiasm that our students bring to lessons.
Mrs Trad– Literacy Champion (ECT)
I joined Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy as a PGCE student in the English Department and have found that the staff were extremely supportive and welcoming. I decided to start my career in teaching at this school where I have been offered many different opportunities for professional development. I am currently a Literacy champion, dedicated to improving and promoting literacy across the school. I have been able to attend a number of valuable CPD sessions to help me to carry out this role effectively.
Mr McLeish – Alternative Curriculum Coordinator
My role began at LHEA as the Head of Humanities but I have since progressed further in my career by becoming the Head of Alternative Curriculum. One of the main strengths of the school is the opportunity to progress your career and gain opportunities to develop your skills. As a middle leader, I am given autonomy to make informed changes to my curriculum, introduce new GCSE courses and importantly, feel supported by SLT and my colleagues.
Mr Ameen – Science Teacher (ECT)
I joined Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy as an ECT in 2022. I have enjoyed working in a new building with excellent resources for science. As an ECT, I have valued the support, training and guidance from the ECF programme.
I have always found the staff to be warm and inviting and I have developed strong working relationships with many of them. Career Personal Development is a strong focus at the school, and this has helped me to progress faster as a teacher.