School Life
Essential Equipment
All students are expected to arrive to school ready for the day ahead. This includes all items of equipment listed in the students’ planner. It is essential that students get into the habit of packing their school bag the night before to ensure they have all of the correct equipment, including completed homework.
Lost Property
Any items found within school are placed in the lost property cupboard in the Academy reception. Students can look for lost items during first break and at the start of lunchtime. If items are named then these will be returned to the students. Un-named items that are not collected will be kept for half a term (approximately 6 weeks) and then donated to a local charity.
We strongly advise that no valuable items or large sums of money are brought into school. Members of staff and the school will take no responsibility for any items lost or stolen within school. Personal items of value or importance are brought in at your own risk. Money brought in for academy trips should be handed in to the member of staff responsible. There is no insurance for theft of personal possessions – this must be obtained by your parents’/carers’ insurance company.
Mobile Phones
The use of mobile phones throughout the academy day is strictly forbidden. This includes, without exception, break time, lunch time and while on the premises at the end of the academy day.
Nut-Free School
PLease note that we are a NUT-FREE School. Several students are severely allergic to nuts and nut-related products so please ensure that your child does not bring any of these products into school.
At Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy, we pride ourselves on offering a range of different support to help your child succeed. Each student has a Form Tutor who should be the first point of call for any concern. This can be through the planner or by phone via the school office. All teachers work hard to ensure that all students settle in quickly and successfully to LHEA and benefit from what the school has to offer.
Students may also get additional support from the Special Educational Needs department to develop important skills such as literacy. Additional support is also offered to students who show a particular talent in a specific area. Each department runs different activities and there is also a whole school enrichment programme.
We welcome all forms of communication from parents. The main link for parents is the child's planner which they will need in school every day. We ask that you sign this every week and comment if you have any concerns or questions. Alternatively you may contact us by
Phone - (01753) 691583
Email -
Or by letter
In the first instance, you should contact the child’s form tutor or subject teacher directly. If you have other concerns, please contact your child's Head of Year. You will also receive three reports during the school year which will include details on how well your child is doing in school. We hold two evening events – Settling in Evening (an opportunity to meet the student’s form tutor) and Parents’ Evening (an opportunity to meet subject teachers).