Ofsted Inspection Report – March 2023

I am delighted to be able to share the Ofsted inspection report with you.  This report represents an important stage in the life of Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy.  Although the school officially became a ‘new’ school when it joined SEBMAT on January 1st 2019, the essence of the school remained.  It is therefore significant that this report reflects the many changes and improvements which have taken place in the last 5 years.

The overall rating for the school, as you will read, is ‘Requires improvement’.  ‘The quality of education’ (The curriculum, what it is, how it is taught and what the results are) was rated ‘requires improvement’.  The other three areas of focus were all rated ‘good’.  I am happy with what I believe is a very fair and accurate judgement of the school as it stands today.

I will let you take your time in reading the full report, but want to draw your attention to the first paragraph in particular which describes what it is like to be a pupil in the school.  I am very proud that the inspectors saw and heard that:

“Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy is a happy and welcoming community...     Relationships between pupils and staff are strong and supportive. Leaders have high expectations regarding pupils’ behaviour and they ensure that responses to incidents are measured and fair. This leads to pupils behaving very well. They are courteous and respectful. Lessons and the atmosphere around the site are calm and purposeful… pupils feel very safe and happy at this school.”

Yours sincerely

Chris Thomas
