Duke of
DofE recognises LHEA’s contribution
Last week, LHEA received a certificate from the Duke of Edinburgh charity detailing the amazing work which our pupils have achieved since the award was launched here.
As you know, participants on the Bronze DofE award have to complete between three and six months of physical activity, a skill and volunteering. The award is a way of young people to improve themselves by developing new skills and putting them at the heart of their communities.
This has proved to be slightly more challenging during the lockdown, as our pupils have been doing some excellent community work. This has not stopped them from adapting their volunteering to provide more support at home, by shopping for elderly or shielding relatives and supporting younger siblings with home schooling.
Since October 2019, when we launched the award, our pupils have contributed 65 hours to the local community, which equates to £282.75.
This is a fantastic achievement for our participants and I know there are many more hours which our pupils have contributed but have yet to log on their eDofE portals.
If your child is involved in the DofE programme, please encourage them to keep logging their hours so that we can get them certified by the end of the year, even if they’ve had to change their volunteering because of the lockdown.
If you are parent of a pupil in year 8 currently and would be interested in your child beginning their DofE journey in September, please don’t hesitate to email me for more information: e.tate-harratt@lhea.org.uk.
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