

Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy is a learning environment at the heart of its community. We promote care, respect and expect high standards in all aspects of academy life; our admissions policy reflects these aspirations.

The Academy has 180 places for admission into Year 7 in September 2020.  All applicants will be admitted if fewer than 180 applications are received.  If over 180 applications are received, the academy will use the admission criteria published in the admissions policy.

An application for admission is made using the common application form (CAF) which is available from Slough Borough Council, which needs to be completed and submitted to Slough Borough Council.  Admissions to Year 7 are administered by the school admissions department in the Slough Borough Council.  You should complete the Common Application Form provided to you by your child’s primary school in Year 6.  The closing date for applications is 31st October in the year preceding entry to Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy.

Applications for in-year admissions should be made by completing a Common Application Form (CAF) provided by the Local Authority.  Copies of the form are available from the Admissions Team at Slough Borough Council online at:

If there are no spaces available at the time of application, the child’s name will be added to a waiting list for the relevant year group.  When a space becomes available, it will be filled by one of the pupils on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria listed in section 6.2 of the school’s admissions policy. 

If the application for a place at the school is unsuccessful, the parent/carer will be informed by Slough Borough Council’s Admissions Team why the admission was refused and will be given information about the process for hearing appeals.  If a parent/carer wishes to appeal, s/he must set out the grounds for the appeal in writing to the appeals clerk and send it to the following address:

Admissions 2024 (Year 6 to Year 7)

Primary to Secondary School transition – September 2024

  • Admissions to Year 7 at Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy is administered by the School Admissions Department at Slough Borough Council.  If you do not live within this Borough, your application must be made through your home local authority, such as Buckinghamshire, Windsor & Maidenhead etc.
  • Full details of the admissions process for a Year 7 place for the start of the academic year are published on the borough website:
  • The Slough Admissions portal closes for applications at midnight on 31 October in the year preceding entry (please note: other boroughs may differ).
  • The Secondary School allocation day is Friday 1 March 2024.  Notification is by your preferred method of contact as indicated on the Slough Borough Council admissions portal. 
  • Slough Borough Council manages our appeal process; please refer to Slough Admissions department for further details.
  • Parents are given a two-week window to accept their allocation.  Slough Borough Council will automatically add children to the waiting list for higher preferred schools.  Parents will then be required to tell Slough Borough Council if they wish for their child to be removed from the waiting lists.
  • Our electronic admissions pack will be sent to the Parent/Carer address as indicated on your online Admissions application, at the end of March/beginning of April.
  • Where your child is in receipt of Free School Meals, it is important that you arrange for your child’s primary/junior school to transfer over their record promptly to us in order for Free School Meals to continue smoothly.  You may need to reapply for eligibility following the roll-out of the Universal Tax Credit process.   Our Free School Meal daily allowance is £2.65. 
  • Our electronic admissions pack must be completed promptly (a date will be specified in our admissions pack) in order to be able to set up your child’s record. 
  • Each year we hold a transition day(s) for all successful primary/junior school applicants.  The date of this transition day(s) will be confirmed in your admissions pack. 
  • We have a designated Primary to Secondary School transition co-ordinator.  If you have any queries, specific to your child’s needs, please email us at 
  • On the first day of term in the new academic year, your child will be given a copy of their timetable. 
  • Parents are invited to a 'Preparing to Succeed in Year 7' evening on 12th September.
  • In addition, you will be offered the opportunity to meet your child’s Tutor in the autumn term.  Bookings are made via our Parent Evening system and you will be informed when this event is being held and when you can make a booking.
  • An academic parents’ evening will be held later in the school year and parents will receive a minimum of three progress reports per academic year during Key Stage 3 in Terms 2, 4 and 6